Thursday, February 15, 2007


The theme tune is in my head...what can I say. Legend.

Did lots of blog hopping today. Elsie is buying a new house and asked her blog readers for advice regarding interior design, etc. Up to that point all I have ever done is read various crafty blogs...never even contemplated that interior designers would have uber cool blogs about a doh! blonde moment! some fabby links which I have subsequently favouritised....and now I'll have to add them to my daily review. Some folks read the newspaper...I read blogs. Is that the way the world is going..?

So no-one commented on whether I should send my DH his loverly LO....but he emailed me a rose and so I felt I had to email him back something...and so I went right on and emailed him the Lo pic anyway. He said he was morto opening it at work....definitely got marks for embarassment anyway LOL!

We have a new arrival in the office. Pat's wife had a baby last night...another boy, so we are now up to three kids between us and he's back to sleepless nights and bags under his eyes!

What did I do for Valentines...? We decided to go out for dinner...but obviously had to bring Eilis and so went to her favourite place - Eddie Rockets. A family favourite. Not quite the most romantic place you could ever go, but as long as we're together. Simple Love.

Nothing else strange and no's been a busy day and OMG it's Friday tomorrow. One of the girls is leaving and so we're having a special lunch...everyone is going to make something and bring it in for a little surprise. Dunno what I'm going to contribute yet....

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