Thursday, February 18, 2010

When there's nothing to say....

What do you blog...when there's nothing to say?
That is what has prevented me from becoming an overnight celebrity blogging sensation!
Sometimes it's all a bit too mundane. There's nothing new going on. You haven't done anything crafty and in fact, yesterday, on 'no telly wednesday' you rang an old friend for an hour, put the kids to bed and settled down to read a book, but fell asleep. At NINE o'clock. Shocking.
My mother always claimed that the more sleep you have, the more you need. I think I agree. And falling asleep at 9pm is not what I want to be doing every night.
So, that's the news for this week. I'm weary, and the prospect of the amount of work I have to get done before a deadline next Tuesday is not making me feel any more energetic. And that's not a deadline as in a crafty publishing deadline; it's just plain work, as in reports, quotes, blah, blah. Yes, I'm glad to have a job in the 'current climate' but I'm weary and it's only February.
AND I'm not eating any chocolate or sweets for lent so I don't even have that to fall back on as a quick buzz. and No, I don't drink coffee....
Eilis asked 'when's your midterm break?' I laughed. I wish.
On a lighter note she/I got on well at her parent teacher meeting yesterady so we're obviously doing something right, even if it's just training her to learn for herself and get on with kids at school. maybe the rest is genetic and so not much we can do about it anyway, but be thankful.
Over and out. More uplifting inspiration same time next week...... :)

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