Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Sign your name across my heart

We were talking about Terence Trent Darby today at work....dunno why he came into the conversation. Anyway, have been humming the tune ever since.

Added a few pics to the blog entries below so I think that will be my token blog effort for the day. Not feeling very motivated at all...with anything - work, crafting, home....February blues perhaps, or hormones? Anyhoo, need to get out of this rut in some way.

Don't think writing will help - maybe cooking....

Have I anything to share...

Here's my Shimelle Mini Book I meant to post a while back....

Sorry if photos are a bit 'flashy'


Kate said...

HI Coco, I know what you mean about not being motivated, I think we all get like that sometimes.
I love your mini book. it's fab (I still haven't done mine) SOMEDAY :-)

Paula J Atkinson said...

Fabulous book, I love the way you have added the doodles on the photos.
I too have had motivation probs. I had all them weeks without heat & water now I have a mouth full of ulcers & Im too tired to keep up on the forums etc...
Must kick my butt!!!

Anonymous said...

I LOVE your book,had to laugh at the ironing one in particular SNAP!!! I also read medical books for no real reason, just interested. (And hoping to go back to college to train as a midwife, pregnancy and birth facinate me-you'd think I'd be over it now!!) I love how honest the book is, love it, love it, love it. And the doodling and journalling........wow

CarolineO said...

Loving the Confessions....this could be my book!