Saw this on Sinead's blog. I don't know Sinead...she posted a comment on Kirsty's blog and I took it from there. It's a kitchen/cooking kinda quiz....thought it was a little quirky so anyone who wants to try it out I'm not going to tag....take it away....
Aprons- Y/N? Yes when I'm on a cooking spree....everyday no
Baking- Favorite thing to bake? I'm really not a baker....last made brownies and chocolate biscuit cake for the Monday Bake off at work. Maybe I'm not so bad!
Clothesline- Y/N? Yes and couldn't live without it. Hate dryers and what they do to your clothes!
Donuts- Have you ever made them? No, probably cos my mother has a childhood story of making them.....cooked in a bath of fat. Herself and her sister took the bath of fat in serious trouble!
Everyday- something you do at home everyday? can't say there's anything I do everyday....make dinner?
Freezer- Do you have a separate deep freezer? Yes and I'd have a bigger or second one if I could. Freezer's rock....officially!
Garbage Disposal- Y/N? No - I'd be kinda scared by them tbh and they overload the wastewater treatment and septic tanks....there's my bit for the environment!
Handbook- Y/N? I don't really have one, but am a real handbook kinda girl. Last one I bought was the SAS handbook - fantastic book.....if you're ever stuck in a 'Lost' type situation!
Ironing- Love it or hate it? Absolutely hate it and don't do it. Pointless exercise. How else would our family maintain our 'creased' nickname!
Junk Drawer- Where is it? I don't have a drawer per se....I have a junk room many might say...but they don't love stash.
Kitchen- Design and decorating? I have a design for our new house. An all singing all dancing kitchen. And yesterday I think I saw the perfect kitchen curtain material. (we haven't dug the foundations of this house yet by the way!)
Love- What is your favorite part of homemaking? Having lots of good homecooked meals in the freezer.
Mop- Y/N? Tony's job...he's the kitchen cleaner. I'm the cooker.
Nylons- Wash them by hand or in the washer? Yes I just throw them in. I dont really wear sheer or dear tights and so just bung them in. Have been known to dry them in the dryer harm at all!
Oven- Do you use the window or open it to check? Don't have a window....but even if I had....I'd have to open the door!
Pizza- What do you put on yours? Am liking really plain at the mo - tomato, cheese and basil....but also a veggie type of girl, so whatever's going I suppose.
Quiet- What do you do during the day when you get a quiet moment? Sleep or rest or scrap.
Recipe card box- Y/N? No, think it might make a nice project, but haven't got around to it. I've got Delia at the moment and that's all I need!
Style of house- Currently in a 3 bed semi d.....moving sometime to a 4 bed 2-storey fabby new, all ours so I can decorate whatever quirky way I like, house.
Under the kitchen sink- Kitchen cleaning products, washing powder, etc.
Vacuum- How many times a week? um, once ..... or less! Lots of wooden floors though and we only live in our house 4.5 days a week!
Wash- How many loads do you do a week? Some weeks only one load....and then every other week about 4! I'm an all or nothing type of gal.
X’s-Do you keep a list and cross items off when they are complete? Yes, totally a list girl.
Yard-who does the work? Actually our landlord does the grass cutting. There's no other major work's not a major plot of land. I'm hoping when we move that my mother will take over as chief gardiner....that's the plan anyway.
ZZZ’s- fell asleep in front of the telly at 9 o'clock last night....that's how many zzzs I need at the mo!
I bet this is actually the quiz that people had to fill out when entering the Calor Housewife of the Year competition....shucks, I don't think I'd make it through to be honest!
1 comment:
Cool, I'm off to do it!
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