Thursday, April 05, 2007

Life is a Caberet....

Here's some pictures of my little chicken from the easter before last...I think it tells the story of how much she enjoyed her egg fairly well.
Feeling a little bit in the mood for a holiday now. Sun is shining. Getting a 4 day weekend in t minus 1.5 hours. Weather promised fine for the weekend. It's all good.
We won't be singing dead ringer for love unless I can download it as a karaoke tune cos yer man is short of duets on his song book. It may be Kiki Dee and Elton. Wasn't sure what they looked like, (well I knew about elton, but it was before my time, don' you know) so i youtube searched them. She's wearing a pudding bowl haircut, white blouse and pink dungarees ala Marion from Bosco. Not that funny really.... and where would I get pink dungarees from. Haven't the flatest tummy at the moment either and they show every bump.....
Happy Easter to all of you......and your little chickens!


eva birdthistle said...

Awwwww, such a cutie your little chicken is, they are amazing shots for a LO :-)

Audrey said...

How cute is she - I wouldn't mind some of that egg, looks delicious ;-)

Tigger's rambling said...

She is a sooo cute, great photo's :-)