Anyone who hasn't a clue what I'm on about might be better off....Eurovision last Saturday night...Ireland ended in last position, on 5 points. All given by our good friends Albania. No block voting there....
I wouldn't be for the block voting (or a supporter of Brian Kennedy) but last year showed that even with all the block voting going on, you can still clock up points with 5s or 6s from a number of countries and not come last, so the song has something to do with it. Serbia won this year and got 12s from a lot of non neighbouring countries (defo got a high mark from UK) which means that either they have emigrants all over the place, or people just liked the song. The lady who sang the song didn't remove her clothes or have any gimmick like that (quite the opposite in fact) so that can't be blamed either. Albania had a cross dressed spaceman singing a catchy kinda tune and came second, so gimmicks might also be the way to go. I thought the day of lead singer with scantily clad laydees dancing behind was this year only Greece, Spain and one other country went that route....but they all got fairly good marks. It would just appear that traditional Irish music is not the way to go, especially if they have to use a backing track on the night. So, I have two ideas for next year....
1. Is that we pay U2 to write a song, go to Belgrade and let them know that although we came last we have the biggest rock group in the world and could whoop their asses anytime we wanted or,
2. We ask the nation, how many are interested in a free trip to Belgrade next May. Everyone's name is put in a hat on the Late Late Show and the winners get to go and sing to a massive European audience and have the craic for the week. No qualifications necessary, No expectations, except a good time - it doesn't matter cos we'll never win again anyway.
Wow, I seem rather worked up about it all, but I'm not. I just did so little else over the weekend that there's nothing to talk about. Went to see my sis play camogie on Saturday...they won, she got a goal, it's all good. Sunday went to SILs for lunch and kids played for a while, then went home to lie down....felt a little unwell but thankfully so did Tony when he came back from milking them bloomin cows and so we put it down to the garlic bread. Don't tell SIL though. Intended to go to bed early but caught up in a programme 'The truth about Big Breasts' Interesting...went through lives of 3 women who were very large although not overweight and what they could do about it - bra fitting, surgery, exercise....and everything else that went along with it.
So this meandering blog entry is coming to an end. No pics...unless I can drag one out from somewhere in my past...let me see....

Here's one of us in the boat with dad back in the day. He went fishing yesterday - the Mayfly is well up and himself and my uncle caught two trout. Eilis was most disappointed that he wasn't home in time for her to have some for her tea and is expecting great things when she goes to visit next weekend! 

Is that you in the blue cap???? I didn't even watch the Euro this year. Too disheartening these last few years!!! Watched it last year and DS was delighted as we were rooting for those Borg fellas that won (ssshhhh, I even voted for them!!!)Finland, thats it! I like your suggestions for next year. I'd chose option B please....
Yes Neasa, that is me in the blue cap. We were uber fashionable back then eh?!
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