Monday, August 25, 2008

Pink Shrugs and the Countdown

There's an unusual title. I'm in a strange mood - I wonder if there's a full moon??

Today, because it was so yeugh outside - winterlikeness, I pulled on jeans and a top for work and pulled a pink shrug out of my 'winter wardrobe box'. I know this makes me sound
A - super organised because I have a winter wardrobe box and
B - super cool for owning a pink shrug....

Hmmmnn - well, the organised bit is WRONG - I am the untidiest person in Ireland at the moment. Have no space, hate hanging up clothes - prefer to just let them sprawl...and the box is actually just one that wasn't unpacked from the move in March. So there. Not super organised, at all.
Super cool...maybe....I bought the shrug in H&M last winter thinking I'd wear it loads cos I was preggo and nothing else would fit, but just didn't do it. Now, (when it's probably uber unfashionable) it is my favourite-ist thing in my non wardrobe. It's cerise pink mohair-ish (not like really hairy mohair, just kind fluffier than probably not mohair at all in fact. And there's a touch of sparkliness through it. Everyone needs a pink shrug on a day like today.

The Countdown to my big 30 starts today.....
Not sure what the countdown will entail...any suggestions??
Was going to do a 30 days to 30 - but I forgot, life got in the way, and so instead it's 24 days to 30. How will I celebrate the last 24 days of being a twenty something....Aggghhhh.....
I'll blog - that's one thing I suppose....maybe photos? Maybe craft?
I'll be back...

1 comment:

eva birdthistle said...

So how many more days about 2 weeks? Happy early birthday, the 30 thing isn't so bad its the 35 plus is the problem, hahahaha!